Alhamdulillah! Sabar.

June 21, 2012

Piano..Gitar dan Subang Parade...... :-)

June 13, 2012
Tercapai juga hasrat Bella nak belajar piano. Dari umur 6 tahun dah minta dengan ayah nak belajar piano, nak beli piano...alhamdulillah.. Untuk hari jadi Kakak Bella yang ke-10 ni ayah hadiahkan piano untuk Bella. Baru satu kelas, tapi Cikgu Nazri cakap Bella cepat belajar. Alhamdulillah! Semoga kakak Bella dapat apa yang Kakak nak,ok!
        Adam pun nampak happy dan ok je dah kelas ke 4 belajar gitar  :-) Belajar Al-Quran pun ,alhamdulillah..dan dh 'mengenal' dan boleh belajar AlQuran .TQ Ustaz Amin. Alhamdulillah.
        Muqrish...pun sangat happy mcm Mama, sebab dapat pergi Subang Parade, Empire tower setiap minggu..... (Laughing Out Loud). Ayah pun sama la kan... Alhamdulillah!
 Untuk setiap kemahuan, kehendak haruslah diluahkan,disuarakan.. InsyaAllah, confirm dapat!:-)
Harus berterimakasih kepada Kak Nani untuk tips ini. I am so happy! Subhanallah!

Surynn Zain

Manusia biasa

June 12, 2012
People are just people. No matter how one’s press agent has packaged them or what society’s meme has built up about them, they DO put their pants on one leg at a time… & all have fears, needs, hopes & unfulfilled desires like the rest of us. When you embrace the idea that behind the curtain there is just another kind & normal human being, it will evaporate the fear or hesitation you have about networking with them.

                                                                                                   -Darren Hardy

Surynn Zain


June 07, 2012

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; Only light can do that. Hate cannot  drive out hate; Only Love can do that"- Martin Luther King :-)

Bella is my life. Bella is my first lesson on being a Mother. Bella teach me how to love someone unconditionally. Bella gives me the strength no matter what happened; even when the whole world hates me; I have Bella's smile to wipe all the tears away and turn it into love..and more loves...and miracles starts to happen. And I am blessed when the smiles were multiply by 3....My three babies, the reason why I keep getting stronger, better, happier ,prettier  and richer .....Alhamdulillah :-)

Mama loves you with all my heart. You are my Angel and you are my life. You are my Bella!
Mama doa that Allah swt will love you and you get the best in your life ever after. Alhamdulillah! TQ Allah!
June 07, 2012

Wordless Saturday!

June 02, 2012
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